Thrive After Sports with Taj Dashaun
Last updated  :  | By Tracy Alston

Thrive After Sports with Taj Dashaun | Athletes Series | MFM 86 RADIO SHOW WSIC 105.9FM #62

Thrive After Sports with Taj Dashaun, a former Division 1 college football player for Stony Brook University.

When his football career ended, Taj struggled heavily with depression. He was so focused on the game that he never fully developed a clear vision for life.

After several years of stumbling around in the emotional darkness of uncertainty, Taj began to take his eyes off of himself and started to focus on serving others. He now runs an intensive program for retired athletes who, like he once was, are struggling to adapt to life after sports.

Not only does Taj help former players land jobs and start businesses, but he also helps them find fulfillment in every area of their lives.

Taj Dashaun Thrive After Sports Topics Covered

-How did you transition from the disappointment of not achieving your goals to helping other athletes Thrive?

-How becoming an author became part of your purpose and your next publishing project

-Discuss how do you stay mentally fit?

-What has been a time of uncertainty for you?

-What’s your program look like as you work with athletes (length of time, goals, process)

-Working with your clients over the years, have you gathered an idea or theme to what people are feeling as they come to the realization that their sport has ended and what their thoughts of what next look like?

-Do you see colleges and universities creating positions for transition coaches as part of their programs?

-What are some tips and strategies you would give to athletes and people, in general, transitioning in life.

-What can people do to transition into your new life after sports …


Taj Dashaun SITE

Careers For Athletes
Taj Dashaun – Athlete Career Coach

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About Tracy Alston

Tracy Alston, a Mental Fitness Consultant is a licensed professional counselor and board-certified in Biofeedback and Neurofeedback. Tracy is the Founder and CEO of two companies located in Mooresville, N.C., New Mentality, P.C., and Mental Edge Fitness Solutions, Inc. Tracy’s passion is creating strategies and solutions for improving mental health and mental fitness.

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