Keep Growing
This platform is designed to provide people with education, tips, strategies and solutions to improve their mental performance. Your brain is a muscle and just like all the other muscles in your body, it can be strengthened and trained. Mental fitness training simply means keeping your brain and emotional health in balance. Through podcasts, blogs, presentations, workshops, online courses and my radio show Mental Fitness Matters on WSIC radio, I want to provide people with tools and resources they can use anywhere to stay mentally sharp.
Depending on where you are in your mental wellness journey, this platform has tools for everyone. I recommend to start with:
- Start with my 2 min introductory video and subscribe to my YouTube channel to never miss updates.
- Are you a podcast listener? Download and subscribe to my podcast Mental Fitness Matters. This will introduce you to information that is helpful for taking care of your mental fitness.
- Check out the articles for additional information and tips on how to improve your mental performance.
- Attend a workshop or an event. Throughout the year, Tracy offers workshops on various topics in mental health and mental fitness.
- Start with the basics and learn to breathe. Download the FREE Breathing Techniques training course and learn the benefits of proper breathing. Then download my FREE Breathe IN, Mind ON App to begin your breathing journey with me
Start with the FREE Breathing Techniques & Breathe IN, Mind ON app. This will be the basics and foundation to every other course on this platform. Learning how to breathe properly is the fastest way to turn on your brain.
Anyone willing to put in the time and effort to learn, develop and maintain mental skills will benefit from mental fitness training.
This answer could go on and on, but a few benefits of training your mental fitness include:
- Self-awareness
- Confidence
- Focus & concentration
- Decision making
- The ability to remain focused under pressure
- Motivation
- Overall performance
- Stress management
- Compassion & empathy
- Resilience
- Distraction control
- Imagery and visualization
- Self-regulation
- Goal setting
- Association and disassociation strategies
- Positive self-talk
- Dealing with adversity
- Coping skills
That is a very common misconception about mental training. Performers and people of any level will become more confident, more efficient and more productive
This answer really depends on YOU. Training of any kind takes time, but mental training especially requires commitment, dedication, time, practice and a positive mindset. Think about it, anything that you’ve become good at has required your time, attention and practice, and mental fitness training is no different. Overtime you will become very clear at what works for you, what doesn’t, how to set boundaries, how to get in the zone, how to protect your energy, how to manage the stress life throws at you, how to visualize and see yourself where you want to be, how to focus your energy and the list goes on and on. All these benefits are possible, but it takes time and your willingness to commit to the programs.