Neurofeedback for Better Sleep. 4 Incredible Reasons Why Athletes Use It

neurofeedback athlete sleep

Neurofeedback for better sleep. Neurofeedback (NFB) or Neurotherapy is a type of biofeedback using real-time displays of brain activity. The main objective of neurofeedback sessions is to self-regulate certain brain functions to deal with issues or improve overall brain performance. The typical neurofeedback session consists of placing sensors on the scalp for measuring electrical activity in the brain. Screens that … Read More

Neurofeedback Can Improve Students’ Mental Performance

Neurofeedback Can Improve Students' Mental Performance
What is Neurofeedback? Neurofeedback, also known as brain training can help students to perform better, which isn’t something scary or complicated. In a nutshell, neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that helps in the self-regulation of the brain. The brain houses lots of electrical activity and generates brain waves. These waves are what constitute moods, emotions, processing information and consequently, ... Read More

Brainwaves and qEEG Brain Mapping

Brainwaves and qEEG Brain Mapping

Why is understanding brainwaves important? A healthy brain has an optimal speed. Think about your brain speed like shifting gears on a bike. A healthy brain should be able to access these brain speeds/states effortlessly. For example, if your brain is stuck in high gear for too long you could experience being overwhelmed, anxious, overly stressed, irritable, tension headaches and … Read More

Beneficial Feedback

Beneficial Feedback

Why is Feedback beneficial? Some people love or dread feedback, either way, it’s necessary. Feedback is an opportunity for learning. Without feedback, we can continue to engage in patterns, behaviors and mindsets that keep us stagnant in our growth and development. With proper guidance and feedback, we can have an opportunity to improve and change. Can you think of a … Read More

Can We Train Our Brain?

Can We Train Our Brain?

More than you would believe, people often ask, “Can we train our brain?”  The answer is, “Yes.” Scientists have believed for a long time that once your brain is fully developed, it is no longer able to change. Now, we know that isn’t the case. We can train our brain.   The Neuroscientific Research Neuroscientific research shows us that the … Read More

6 Ways Neurofeedback Can Enhance Your Organization

6 Ways Neurofeedback Can Enhance Your Organization

6 ways Neurofeedback can Enhance your organization, productivity is the efficient usage of resources like time and energy to meet objectives and targets. Higher productivity translates to accomplishing set goals faster and thus improving efficiency. 20% of the average workday is spent on ”crucial” and “important” things, while 80% of the average workday is spent on things that have “little” … Read More

The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

You ever just turned everything off? You ever just sat and listened to the birds chirping on the outside of your window? You ever just unplugged for a moment to hear your own thoughts and not the information downloaded from the television, or Instagram or a text message that you just received? Have you ever noticed or experienced the power … Read More

What is qEEG Brain Mapping

What is qEEG Brain Mapping?

What Is qEEG? qEEG refers to the analysis of digitized EEG, or popularly known as “Brain Mapping.” The qEEG extends the analysis of EEG interpretation, and this helps in gaining a better understanding of EEG and brain function. qEEG is nothing but a procedure processing recorded EEG activity measured from a multi-electrode recording employing a computer.  Various algorithms like the … Read More

The Power of Brain Waves, Change Your Mental State.

The Power of Brain Waves

The power of brain waves, have you heard of brain waves? They are all the rave recently and rightly so! Brain waves are rhythmic oscillations that neurons produce in synchrony. These waves contain information in small packets that help you perform tasks in your life. Talking on the phone, taking notes in class, driving listlessly along that freeway, brain waves … Read More

Three Elite Performers Using Neurofeedback

Elite Performers Using Neurofeedback

Three elite performers using neurofeedback, Well, don’t freak out yet. No, this article doesn’t assume you know what neurofeedback is, so hang around for a while and read some fantastic stuff about the brain and its ability to be trained for optimal performance. What is Neurofeedback? In its essence, neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free reward-based training program for your brain. … Read More