Neurofeedback for better sleep. Neurofeedback (NFB) or Neurotherapy is a type of biofeedback using real-time displays of brain activity. The main objective of neurofeedback sessions is to self-regulate certain brain functions to deal with issues or improve overall brain performance. The typical neurofeedback session consists of placing sensors on the scalp for measuring electrical activity in the brain. Screens that … Read More
The Power of Silence
You ever just turned everything off? You ever just sat and listened to the birds chirping on the outside of your window? You ever just unplugged for a moment to hear your own thoughts and not the information downloaded from the television, or Instagram or a text message that you just received? Have you ever noticed or experienced the power … Read More
What is Neurofeedback
Brain activity dictates everything that you feel and eventually do or choose to do. While normal brain function is a common phenomenon, few people have chronic emotions or brain imbalances impacting their lives. But what if there was a way to “unlearn” certain bad habits like chronic anxiety or “learn” to improve mental performance. In order to understand what neurofeedback … Read More